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NAMEC and CME Industry Related News.

  • 07 Dec 2018 3:01 PM | NAMEC Staff (Administrator)

    The Office of Continuing Medical Education and Lifelong Learning is inviting project proposals for grants to support innovations in Continuing Medical Education (CME).

    Successful project proposals will receive up to $25,000.

    Proposals can promote innovation in all aspects of physician learning or training, including content, process, outcomes or assessment.

    Here’s what you need to know:

    • The deadline for submission is Friday, Dec. 22.
    • Awards will be announced and funds will be available by Feb. 15, 2019.
    • Improved delivery or access to CME: For example, unique methods to increase collaborative learning (shared grand rounds with novel IT support), educational activities with affiliated or community physicians.
    • Clinical relevance: For example, education targeted to improve quality care or to address patient safety concerns or public health priorities. Activities focused on helping physicians achieve recent medical licensing requirements; medical ethics, pain or symptom control, and human trafficking.
    • Educational effectiveness: For example, projects which explore new methods to measure educational impact on patient care.
    • Encouraging interprofessional learning and team training: For example, developing activities that encourage collaborative team training in medical simulation.
    • Clinical skill enhancement: Projects that improve technical and/or procedural skills, including observed evaluation and formative feedback to the learner.
    • Involvement of physicians in training in educational planning
    • Activity information
    • Name of the CME activity, faculty lead(s), proposed date(s), location(s) of the activity, target audience (list professional disciplines and specialties)
    • CME activity description
    • Briefly describe the objectives, format, and contents of the proposed activity.
    • Highlight aspects of the activity that address the additional scope priorities (outlined above)
    • Innovation
    • What makes your idea different? Describe the innovative and/or novel aspects of the CME activity with respect to existing or standard practice.
    • Assessment
    • It is important that the educational impact of your innovative approach is measurable.
    • Describe the methods that will be used to measure the impact.
    • Budget
    • State the amount of funding requested.
    • Attach a detailed budget of all expenses related to the development and production of the activity, including any expected cost sharing.
    • Letter(s) of support

    Scope of the proposals

    Project proposals should be designed to improve the delivery of relevant and effective Continuing Medical Education, enhancing the professional development of physicians and the interprofessional teams in which they work. A broad range of proposals are invited, but preference will be given to projects that target the following:

    A maximum of two awards will be made to an individual faculty member within a grant cycle. Funding may be allocated to salaries and wages, fringe benefits, supplies and materials, and other relevant expenses.

    Proposal guidelines/submission content

    The proposal should include the following sections supported by a detailed budget and letter(s) of support (plus other relevant materials):

    Please direct any administrative questions to project coordinator Chelle Robins at 734-936-1671.

  • 07 Dec 2018 2:58 PM | NAMEC Staff (Administrator)

    CME Outfitters (CMEO) recently announced a new partnership with CME Master, a division of HealthMinds Consulting Pvt. Ltd. to bring certified CME courses to India and the Middle East, with expansion into South East Asia expected soon.  The full article can be found here.

  • 05 Dec 2018 2:07 PM | NAMEC Staff (Administrator)

    NAMEC member Physicians’ Education Resource® was featured in Odessa American regarding their conducting six satellite symposia at the Annual American Society of Hematology Meeting and Exposition in San Diego, California.  Click here to see the article. 

    The Associated Press also covered Physicians' Education Resource with the honoring of Robert Figlin, M.D., FACP, as this year’s Educator of the Year award ceremony Nov. 8 during the 36th Annual Chemotherapy Foundation Symposium: Innovative Cancer Therapy for Tomorrow meeting.  This article can be found here.

  • 26 Nov 2018 10:50 AM | NAMEC Staff (Administrator)

    NAMEC has been a presence in the CME world for a long time now.  Our web site attracts those in the field and members of the public who want to learn more about CME.  We often get calls from those interested in providing CME, obtaining CME, or just learning more about the field. For those looking to enter the field either forming a company to provide CME or a service to the field, or by finding a job in the field, we have often recommended joining NAMEC at the individual member rate.  This is a very affordable way to display your interest in the field, find information about other members, and learn about trending topics.  Our members also regularly receive updates on job postings in the field. 

    We also came across this article on Forbes, which reiterates what we have often thought.  Very refreshing to see this recognized in this national publication! "How Engaging With An Industry Association Can Energize Your Job Search" - link:

    Click the following links for more information about membership or to join NAMEC as an Individual member. Now is a great time to join as you qualify for the remainder of 2018 and full 2019 membership at this time!

  • 16 Oct 2018 2:41 PM | NAMEC Staff (Administrator)

    Dear NAMEC Colleagues:

    The NAMEC Awards Committee will begin accepting nominations for the 14th Annual NAMEC Best Practice Awards on Monday, October 1st. NAMEC encourages all member organizations to submit a nomination in each of the competitive categories. Criteria and nomination processes are included in this email.

    This year NAMEC will recognize outstanding achievement in the following categories:

    • Best Practice in Enduring Material Educational Design
    • Best Practice in Live Activity Educational Design
    • Best Practice in CME Outside of the USA (Live or Enduring)
    • Best Practice in Collaboration Among CME Stakeholders
    • Best Practice in Learner Outcomes
    • Best Practice in Innovative Educational Methods
    • Brian P. Russell Exemplary CME Professional Award

    CME is an industry rooted in change, a profession that calls upon our abilities to recognize and address new challenges. It requires us to utilize our intellect, our diligence, and our creativity. We believe that each of these elements should be acknowledged.

    All nominations should be received no later than 11:59 PM on Friday, November 30, 2018. Please send your recommendations to NAMEC at

    Recipients will have the opportunity to discuss their activities during the NAMEC Annual Meeting, to be held during the ACEHP Conference in National Harbor, Maryland January 23-26, 2019. The date and time for the Awards ceremony is TBD.

    If you have questions about the awards please, contact Audrie Tornow at  or Kurt Boyce at

    Thank you for your continued support of NAMEC.

    Best Regards,

    NAMEC Awards Committee

  • 26 Sep 2018 9:27 AM | NAMEC Staff (Administrator)

    Call for Nominations for the NAMEC Board of Directors

    Please note: The deadline for submission is November 9, 2018

    This is a call for nominations to fill open seats on the NAMEC Board of Directors:

    • 4 Director positions (two for 1-year terms and two for 3-year terms)

    Candidates should indicate whether they are running for a 1-year term or a 3-year term in their nomination submission.

    Duties of Directors

    • Candidates must be willing to, at minimum, attend 1 face-to face board meeting per year (usually held during the Alliance for Continuing Education in the Health Professions Annual Conference), participate on Board conference calls (approximately monthly) and participate with standing and ad hoc committees as requested by the President
    • Candidates must be willing to Chair standing and ad hoc committees as requested by the President
    • Candidates should also be willing to serve as an officer of the organization (officers are elected by the membership from the members of the Board)

    Qualifications of Nominees

    • Those nominated should be employed by a NAMEC member organization in good standing and have at least 3 years experience in the CME industry
    • All nominees should possess leadership ability, a high degree of personal and professional integrity, and the ability to recruit members to the organization and volunteers to support our activities
    • In addition, the organization encourages individuals with one or more of the following characteristics, which have been identified as critical skills/qualifications for Board members:

    Ø  Familiarity with changes in healthcare and medical education, particularly the role of CME in improving the quality and safety of patient care

    Ø  CME regulatory expertise

    Ø  Experience related to MEC public relations and/or advocacy

    Ø  Strong skills in business, marketing, and/or communications

    Ø  Knowledge of adult education principles

    Terms of Office

    • Directors are selected by vote of the membership and will serve either a 1-year or 3-year term; candidates should indicate whether they are running for a 1-year term or a 3-year term in their nomination submission.

    Nomination and Election Process

    • To be eligible for nomination, candidates must be members of organizations that meet the definition of “full voting”
    • Any representative of a “full voting” organization may make a nomination, including a self-nomination
    • Candidates must submit the following information to the NAMEC Business Office, by November 9, 2018:

    Ø  A biographical sketch of no more than 350 words

    Ø  A “statement of philosophy” pertinent to the goals and mission of the organization of no more than 350 words

    Ø  A picture to include on the ballot

    • The Nomination and Elections Committee will review the submissions, prepare the slate of candidates, and email a ballot to the “primary” member of each “full voting” organization.  All ballots (1 from each member organization) must be cast on or before December 14, 2018
    • The results of the election will be announced at the Annual NAMEC Meeting, to be held in January, 2018 during the ACEHP Annual Meeting

    You should expect an email acknowledging receipt of your submission from the NAMEC business office. If you do not get an acknowledgement, please call 205-824-7612 to ensure your submission is received.

    NAMEC Board of Directors’ and Officers’ Code of Ethics

    NAMEC board members have an obligation to do more than just meet legal standards. NAMEC board members are expected to meet standards of conduct as well. All board members must agree to uphold the NAMEC Board of Directors Code of Ethics statement upon election to the Board.

    NAMEC Board of Directors’ and Officers’ Code of Ethics statement

    As a member of the NAMEC Board of Directors I will:

    • Ensure that my fiduciary duty to NAMEC is the foundation for all of my actions as a Board member
    • Represent the interests of all members served by NAMEC
    • Refrain from using my service on the NAMEC Board primarily for my own personal advantage
    • Keep confidential any information so designated by the Board of Directors
    • Approach all Board issues with an open mind, listen respectfully to the opinions of my Board colleagues, and make decisions based on the best interests of NAMEC and its members
    • Act with the authority of NAMEC only when such authority is delegated to me by the Board or the bylaws
    • Sign or e-mail an agreement attesting to this policy

    All interested candidates should forward their biographical sketch, statement of philosophy, and photograph to the NAMEC Business Office by November 9, 2018.



    If you have questions regarding the nominations process or the duties of Officers and Directors, please contact Audrie Tornow at or Kurt Boyce at

  • 21 Aug 2018 3:46 PM | NAMEC Staff (Administrator)

    ACEHP has announced their 2019 Annual Meeting: 

    NAMEC typically has our annual meeting session within the ACEHP meeting. The exact day and time will be announced.  Overall meeting information is: 

    January 23-26, 2019
    Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center
    National Harbor, MD

    ACCME has announced their 2019 Annual Meeting:

    April 30 - May 2, 2019 (pre-conference sessions on April 29th)
    Hyatt Regency Hotel Chicago 
    151 East Upper Wacker Drive
    Chicago, IL, 60601

    The ACCME 2019 Meeting will be a key opportunity for advancing your educational program, whether developing strategies for meeting the expectations of ACCME's Menu of Criteria for Accreditation with Commendation; pursuing public health imperatives; or seeking opportunities to bring technology, creativity, and innovation to your educational program.

  • 14 Aug 2018 11:28 AM | NAMEC Staff (Administrator)

    The ACCME has released a step-by-step guide to implementing accredited CME improvement activities. 

    The guide will assist CME providers in helping their learners to make sure they meet the expectations for either Maintenance of Certification (MOC) and Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS).  

    Access the guide here.

  • 02 Aug 2018 10:30 AM | NAMEC Staff (Administrator)

    Beginner CME for MOC: Ask Your Questions Webinar, September 18, 2018 at 1 pm

    This interactive webinar is for those that have not yet offered CME for MOC or have just offered a couple of activities. Bring your questions about planning or reporting CME that Counts for MOC to ACCME staff for answers and guidance.

    More information and register

  • 17 Jul 2018 11:00 AM | NAMEC Staff (Administrator)

    Elderly veterans represent a special group within the general population and appropriate and timely treatment is paramount for this unique population. The ability to gain access to immediate medical and mental health services has been at the forefront of discussion within recent years and with this came more focus on the type and quality of services that were being provided to this group. For the service to this country many veterans are given the opportunity to have healthcare services provided to them post discharge or after military service. There are several veterans administration within many states across the country that are specifically designed to cater to the needs of veterans. In particular, the mental health needs and ensuring that this is adequately addressed is important to this population given the potential to develop cognitive impairments or slowing with age progression. The addition of combat exposure with the aging process can contribute to cognitive decline so it is important for healthcare professionals to be aware of the hallmark signs and symptoms of this condition to manage in a timely manner. Elderly veterans represent an invaluable group of people and ensuring that they receive the best care possible regardless of the condition should be at the forefront of conversations.

    Abimbola Farinde, PhD
    Columbia Southern University

3416 Primm Lane
Birmingham, AL 35216
(205) 824-7612
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