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NAMEC and CME Industry Related News.

  • 08 Jun 2012 11:46 AM | Anonymous
    Marissa Seligman, PharmD, CCMEP, FACEHP, NAMEC President has been quoted in an article featured on the American Medical News Website. The article, by Pamela Lewis Dolan is called "Physician interest in online CME is strong". Please click the link to read the entire article and the mention of NAMEC! Congrats Marissa!
  • 10 Apr 2012 11:10 AM | Anonymous
    Upon surveying the NAMEC member base, the NAMEC Communications Committee, along with the help from your survey results, have decided to move the release date of Flashpoint News to once a month. For the past two years, we have been sending out Flashpoint News twice a month, every other Wednesday, with large dedication from the Communications team. With the results and insightful comments from our members, we will now be releasing Flashpoint once a month. To see the survey results, click here. You will see a majority of 72% would like to view the newsletter monthly, as opposed to bi-monthly. We will also heavily rely on our Twitter account as well as LinkedIn page for other communications. Please contact us with any questions or concerns related to NAMEC Communications.

    The NAMEC Business Office
  • 20 Feb 2012 2:08 PM | Anonymous
    If you are behind in your reading and looking to catch up, the Flashpoint News Archive has been updated for your reading pleasure. Stay up to date with all NAMEC News and Updates, as well as work done by our fabulous committees! Most recently the Advocacy Committee and the NAMEC Board have been hard at work releasing our official response regarding the Sunshine Act. We also collected and collaborated the results from the survey filled out by our members. You can read more about this in the News Section, or in your bi-monthly edition of Flashpoint News!

    The NAMEC Business Office
  • 08 Feb 2012 4:08 PM | Anonymous

    We are pleased to provide you with a copy of the NAMEC letter that was  prepared in response to the Centers for Medicare/Medicaid Services (CMS) and Health and Human Services (HHS) recently issued proposed rules regarding the Transparency Provisions (“Sunshine”) of the Affordable Healthcare Act . This letter represents the opinion of the NAMEC Executive Officers and Board of Directors on behalf of our members.  We welcome your thoughts, comments or other feedback. We are going to submit our final letter to CMS/HHS by February 17th. 

  • 08 Feb 2012 1:42 PM | Anonymous
    Hello Members,
    If you were not able to attend the NAMEC Educational Session at the Alliance meeting in Orlando this year, we have attached the PowerPoint below for your viewing pleasure.

    Here is a link to the slideshow of photos:
    Thank you!
  • 05 Jan 2012 12:49 PM | Anonymous

    NAMEC is more than excited for our meeting on Sunday, January 22, 2012 at the JW Marriott in Orlando, FL. The NAMEC Program Committee has been working hard to put together a good Panel, and we have added some segments to the meeting that are innovational and engaging. You will NOT want to miss this meeting! And here's 4 reason's why....

    1. We will open this years meeting with a mix and mingle "wine-down", offering a complimentary first beverage to all who attend. Light appetizers will also be served, as we all know, it will have been a long day of sessions and we deserve it!

    2. After we all get comfortable in our seats, the 6th Annual Best Practices Awards Ceremony will begin. We will announce the winners in Best Practice Educational Design & Evaluation, Best Practice in Collaboration Among CME Stakeholders, Best Practice in Professional Development, and the highly acclaimed and respected Brian P. Russell Exemplary CME Professional Award. This year we will be blessed with the presence of Brian P. Russell's parents themselves who will be there to distribute the award. 

    3. Directly after the Ceremony and pictures, the NAMEC Educational Session will begin with an esteemed panel on some hard-hitting topics. As usual, there will be time for Q&A from the audience. 

    4. But don't fade out just yet! Before we close the meeting we will hold two drawing for our Raffle of the Kindle Fire - Full Color 7" Multi-Touch Display with Wi-Fi (ooh's and ahh's inserted here) & a NOOK Simple Touch, the same great product won by 2 lucky members last year! If you're wanting the Kindle Fire as bad as I am, we have a way for you to DOUBLE your chances to win it! Simply bring with you a guest who is currently NOT a NAMEC Member, but is considering joining. By recruiting a potential member and bringing them along with you, your name will be added TWICE to the drawing for the Kindle Fire!

    As you can see, this year's meeting is exceeding the limits of previous NAMEC Meetings. With the presence of Jean and Paul Russell alone, the meeting holds a new meaning for us all. We really hope you can attend.

    SUNDAY, January 22, 2012 
    START TIME: 6:30 PM
    END TIME: 8:30 PM
    LOCATION: PALAZZO ROOM at the JW Marriott, Orlando

    Meeting Called to Order!
    *If you plan on having a glass of wine, please try to make it 5 minutes early, thank you!*
    6:30 - 7:00 Awards Ceremony

    7:00 - 8:00 Panel/ Education Session

    8:00 - 8:20 NAMEC Official Business Meeting

    8:20 - 8:30 Raffle of Kindle Fire & Nook Touch
    Meeting Adjourned!

    Questions or concerns? Contact Anna at the NAMEC Business Office by email: or by phone: 205-824-7612.
  • 19 Dec 2011 3:27 PM | Anonymous
    December 7, 2011

    Division of Dockets Management

    Food and Drug Administration

    5630 Fishers Lane

    Room 1061, HFA-305

    Rockville, MD 20852 

    The National Association of Medical Education Companies (NAMEC), a non-profit organization comprised of health care educators and their companies, applauds the Food and Drug Administration in its efforts to create risk evaluation management strategies (REMS) that formally incorporate continuing education for the health professions. NAMEC has reviewed and extends its support to the FDA’s recently released Blueprint for Prescriber Education for the Long-Acting/Extended-Release Opioid Class-Wide REMS (Docket No. FDA-2011-D-0771).  FDA’s recognition of the challenges posed in balancing appropriate pain management with the potential for misuse or abuse of long-acting opioids is demonstrated through this significant action in improvement of patient care. 

    Continue reading here: Blueprint for Prescriber Training Program final 10-25-11.pdf


  • 19 Oct 2011 1:29 PM | Anonymous

    On September 22, 2011 NAMEC held an educational session for all members. During this session members participated in a Rapid Exchange which consisted of five tables, each with a unique topic facilitated by a NAMEC member. Topics included: Collaboration, Funding, Outcomes, Professional Development, and Social Media. Attending members were free to rotate every 10 minutes to a new table, while each facilitator initiated and guided conversation on their topic.

    Key takeaways from each table include:

    collaboration                    facilitator: marc l. mosier, md   

    Collaboration can mean many things to different people depending upon their business strategy and focus. Participants were engaged and offered valuable insight into the benefits and challenges of collaborating with various partners, including academia, societies, faculty, payers and other third party organizations to deliver effective continuing medical education.

    Overwhelmingly, most participants spoke to the critical need to carefully choose whom they collaborate with and base their choices on a proven track record of delivering to specific expectations in a timely manner. Early and regular communication helps to clearly identify and define goals and expectations so as to ensure alignment and success of the collaboration. Several spoke to the challenges of becoming involved in multi-partner collaborations due to the variance in shared goals and difficulty in moving the relationship forward.

    While many collaborations are developed for the short-term fulfillment of objectives, many felt they were increasingly receptive to becoming involved in extended long-term initiatives. This only happens after both collaborating partners have come to know each other and have grown to adapt to each other’s often changing priorities.  Platform approaches are not preferred by many Educational Partners & MECCs due to the perception that their value is “watered down” or diminished by participating alongside competitors on the same platform. Those MECCs operating as a “platform often act as a “distribution channel” and embrace collaboration with other partners to expand their own value to the external community.

    funding                                facilitator: antwoine l. shepard               

    Funding challenges have grown as the climate surrounding industry-funded CME has evolved. Participants shared anecdotes and strategies regarding their experiences in funding, especially regarding alternative funding models.

    Most participants have considered alternative funding models; however few have successfully funded CME programs without traditional industry support. Some participants have had success receiving government funding which most agreed requires a long-term relationship building strategy. Others have had some limited success with foundations and global corporations. Not only do these avenues require long-term relationship building, but also education as many are not aware of the existence, importance, and relevance of CME.

    Also of note, most participants discussed the challenges involved with securing funding from multiple supporters. Conflicting supporter funding cycles and interests were among the chief challenges cited. Nearly all participants had at some point recently returned funds to supporters because they were unable to adequately multi-fund a program. 

    Despite the difficult landscape many participants were optimistic about the future, noting that their funding strategies were improving.

    outcomes                             facilitator: mindi daiga

    Outcomes have become increasingly relevant as the CME landscape has changed. Many participants noted that different definitions or interpretations of Moore’s Levels are still being used, and felt that PACME and NAMEC should collaborate on common lexicon and expectations. Also, interest was expressed in creating a Forum for Supporters to provider general feedback to providers on outcome need and expectation. This doesn’t have to be specific to activity or provider, but could assist providers in improving methods and reports.

    The skill set needed to collect and analyze data, and create a report for publishing isn’t an “inherent” proficiency of many CME professionals, and many noted that internal resources need to be developed or external resources used to complete these tasks. Also, providers need to find the time, resources, and expertise to facilitate publishing their outcomes in peer-reviewed medical journals and submitting abstracts to medical conferences to support the value of CME.

    Outcomes data should be shared with faculty post-activity and used to engage faculty in discussion for future activities. It is important that faculty understand that outcomes might not be as rigorous as a clinical trial or other scientific research; however they are based on validated approaches and accepted methodologies!

    professional development                            facilitator: kristin fludder

    Many of the participants were not CCMEP certified but expressed an interest in getting study material to prepare for the test. A few suggestions for study material included reviewing and understanding the ACCME accreditation criteria and policies/procedures as there are many questions related to those topics on the exam. The Alliance website was another suggestion and the group praised the revamp of the website last year, making it a valuable resource for professional development. Another suggestion was forming a study group for NAMEC members facilitated by someone who is CCMEP certified.

    Also, participants noted that there were few job opportunities as companies have downsized or closed. Many were interested in ways to network and stay involved in CME. Some felt the job board on the NAMEC website should be greater utilized.

    social media                        facilitator: derek warnick

    Social media continues to be used experimentally, and only a small percentage of participants were currently developing strategies. A few are using Twitter to promote activities and participant learning, but even fewer are using it as part of their personal learning network.

    Nearly no one had participated in #CMEchat. Few mentioned they had "lurked", but not participated.

    The majority of participants had a LinkedIn account and most are part of the CME group. Very few have started a discussion or commented on a discussion.

    Some participants mentioned they have incorporated social media or Web 2.0 into their CME programs. The most common tool mentioned was adding a moderated comments section to an online CME activity.

  • 04 Oct 2011 3:51 PM | Anonymous
    Hello! If we were fortunate enough to get to see you at the NAMEC Member Meeting and Educational Session in Baltimore on September 22nd, we thank you! If you did not get to attend, we will have a summary for you in Flashpoint News. I have also posted the top news for our members via PowerPoint.

  • 27 Sep 2011 12:51 PM | Anonymous
    NAMEC is proud to announce our new President Marissa Seligman, PharmD, CCMEP! With a huge thanks to Chris Bolwell, BSc for his term as President, he comfortably slides into the Past-President role with a great year under his belt.

    Joseph Kim, MD now takes on the President-Elect position.

    We also would like to give a warm welcome to Paul Cook from Applied Clinical Education and Logan Thomison from OptumHealth Education for being elected to NAMEC's Board of Directors.

    We would also like to thank our Board Member's whose terms have expired. Scott Hershman, MD, CCMEP served a great term with NAMEC and his contributions to helping update our Organizational Goals, Mission and Bylaws are just some of the work accomplished with Scott on board. 

    A special thanks goes out to Sandy Weaver, who has been serving NAMEC for the past 9 years on and off the Board. Her dedication to NAMEC does not go unnoticed! Thank you for some wonderful years Sandy!

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