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NAMEC and CME Industry Related News.

  • 16 Jan 2017 1:23 PM | NAMEC Staff (Administrator)

    You are invited to submit a grant proposal to address the educational need outlined in the attached document.

    Please review and return your completed proposal via the sanofi U.S. Grant Website at by 5p.m. EST on Tuesday, March 7, 2017.

    If a submission is not completed by this date, your proposal will not be accepted.

    Therapeutic Area:     Oncology

    Area of Interest:        Prostate Cancer

    “Please note that an applicant may be ineligible to receive a grant in response to this RFP if the applicant has performed any services under contract with

    sanofi U.S. during the last 12 months in connection with:

    • A consultant meeting; or
    • An advisory board meeting

    in the same therapeutic area as this request for proposal (“RFP”).

    If the applicant has performed such services, please forward a copy of the contract immediately, prior to responding to the RFP, so that we can determine your

    eligibility.  If not, please acknowledge this in your application writing.”

    Please note that you must select the type of activity that you are proposing, i.e., Live, Enduring or Live and Enduring and answer the question, “Are you responding to an RFP”.

    Submission instructions are available on the website. If you have a content question, please contact Malika Wicks at

  • 04 Nov 2016 10:27 AM | NAMEC Staff (Administrator)

    Call for Nominations for the NAMEC Board of Directors

    Please note: The deadline for submission extended to November 2, 2016

    This is a call for nominations to fill 3 seats on the NAMEC Board of Directors including:

    • 1 Secretary position (3 year term)
    • 2 Director positions (3 year term)

    Duties of Secretary

    • The Secretary will be responsible for maintaining records of NAMEC business and NAMEC Board of Director meetings
    • The Secretary will be responsible for overseeing the NAMEC Board of Directors and Officers election process
    • The Secretary will be responsible for overseeing the Annual NAMEC Best Practice Awards process
    • The Secretary must be willing to, at minimum, attend 1 face-to face board meeting per year (usually held during the Alliance for Continuing Education in the Health Professions Annual Conference), participate on Board conference calls (approximately monthly) and participate with standing and ad hoc committees as requested by the President
    • Nominees for Secretary must be drawn from the current NAMEC Board of Directors and Officers.

    Duties of Directors

    • Candidates must be willing to, at minimum, attend 1 face-to face board meeting per year (usually held during the Alliance for Continuing Education in the Health Professions Annual Conference), participate on Board conference calls (approximately monthly) and participate with standing and ad hoc committees as requested by the President
    • Candidates must be willing to Chair standing and ad hoc committees as requested by the President
    • Candidates should also be willing to serve as an officer of the organization (officers are elected by the membership from the members of the Board)

    Qualifications of Nominees

    • Those nominated should be employed by a NAMEC member organization in good standing and have at least 3 years experience in the CME industry
    • All nominees should possess leadership ability, a high degree of personal and professional integrity, and the ability to recruit members to the organization and volunteers to support our activities
    • In addition, the organization encourages individuals with one or more of the following characteristics, which have been identified as critical skills/qualifications for Board members:
      •   Familiarity with changes in healthcare and medical education, particularly the role of CME in improving the quality and safety of patient care
      •   CME regulatory expertise
      •   Experience related to MEC public relations and/or advocacy
      •   Strong skills in business, marketing, and/or communications
      •   Knowledge of adult education principles

    Terms of Office

    •   The Secretary is selected by vote of the membership to serve a 3-year term
    •   Each director is selected by vote of the membership and serves a 3-year term

    Nomination and Election Process

    • To be eligible for nomination, candidates must be members of organizations that meet the definition of “full voting”
    • Any representative of a “full voting” organization may make a nomination, including a self-nomination
    • Candidates must submit the following information to the NAMEC Business Office, by November 14, 2016:
      •   A biographical sketch of no more than 350 words
      •   A “statement of philosophy” pertinent to the goals and mission of the organization of no more than 350 words
      •   A picture to include on the ballot
    • The Nomination and Elections Committee will review the submissions, prepare the slate of candidates, and email a ballot to the “primary” member of each “full voting” organization.  All ballots (1 from each member organization) must be cast on or before December 2, 2016
    • The results of the election will be announced at the Annual NAMEC Meeting, to be held in January, 2017 during the ACEHP Annual Meeting

    You should expect an email acknowledging receipt of your submission from the NAMEC business office. If you do not get an acknowledgement, please call 205-824-7612 to ensure your submission is received.

    NAMEC Board of Directors’ and Officers’ Code of Ethics

    NAMEC board members have an obligation to do more than just meet legal standards. NAMEC board members are expected to meet standards of conduct as well. All board members must agree to uphold the NAMEC Board of Directors Code of Ethics statement upon election to the Board.

    NAMEC Board of Directors’ and Officers’ Code of Ethics statement

    As a member of the NAMEC Board of Directors I will:

    • Ensure that my fiduciary duty to NAMEC is the foundation for all of my actions as a Board member
    • Represent the interests of all members served by NAMEC
    • Refrain from using my service on the NAMEC Board primarily for my own personal advantage
    • Keep confidential any information so designated by the Board of Directors
    • Approach all Board issues with an open mind, listen respectfully to the opinions of my Board colleagues, and make decisions based on the best interests of NAMEC and its members
    • Act with the authority of NAMEC only when such authority is delegated to me by the Board or the bylaws
    • Sign or e-mail an agreement attesting to this policy

    All interested candidates should forward their biographical sketch, statement of philosophy, and photograph to the NAMEC Business Office by November 14, 2016.



    If you have questions regarding the nominations process or the duties of Officers and Directors, please contact Chris Bolwell at or Kurt Boyce at

  • 03 Nov 2016 12:52 PM | NAMEC Staff (Administrator)

    Continuing Medical Education organizations can now explore participation in the ABMS Multi-Specialty Portfolio Program™ as part of a new, one-year pilot. The pilot allows these organizations to offer their physicians one-year access to Portfolio Program benefits without committing to becoming full participating sponsors.

    Click here for additional information

  • 11 Oct 2016 7:59 AM | NAMEC Staff (Administrator)

    October 11, 2016

    Dear NAMEC Colleagues:

    The NAMEC Awards Committee will begin accepting nominations for the 11th Annual NAMEC Best Practice Awards on Monday, October 17th. NAMEC encourages all member organizations to submit a nomination in each of the competitive categories. Criteria and nomination processes are included in this email.

    This year NAMEC will recognize outstanding achievement in the following categories:

    • Best Practice in Educational Design
    • Best Practice in Collaboration Among CME Stakeholders
    • Best Practice in Learner Outcomes
    • Best Practice in Quality Improvement CME
    • Best Practice in Professional Development
    • Brian P. Russell Exemplary CME Professional Award

    CME is an industry rooted in change, a profession that calls upon our abilities to recognize and address new challenges. It requires us to utilize our intellect, our diligence, and our creativity. We believe that each of these elements should be acknowledged.

    All nominations should be received no later than Monday, November 21, 2016. Please send your recommendations to NAMEC at

    Recipients will have the opportunity to discuss their activities during the NAMEC Annual Meeting, to be held during the ACEHP Conference in ACEHP Conference in San Francisco, California January 26 – 29, 2017.

    If you have questions about the awards please, contact Chris Bolwell at  or Kurt Boyce at

    Thank you for your continued support of NAMEC.

    Best Regards,

    NAMEC Awards Committee 

    Awards Cover Sheet (for submission) 

    Awards Process document (detailing key information relative to the awards)

  • 21 Sep 2016 9:39 AM | NAMEC Staff (Administrator)

    The Top Reasons to Pursue a Nursing Career

    Nursing is a very noble and respected career option which gives you the opportunity to care for others, be there for people when they need it the most, and even save lives. A nursing career is one which is highly rewarding and gratifying, and many who choose to go down this career path get a lot of joy and satisfaction from the work that they do. If you are a naturally caring person who is considering studying for a degree in order to work in the medical industry, we’ve listed some of the main reasons why nursing is a wonderful choice to make.

    Great Job Security

    Studying for a nursing qualification, such as this online nursing program available from a respected nursing school, gives you the opportunity to enter a career path which provides a huge amount of job security. Currently, the demand for nurses in the U.S is growing at a rapid rate, with more and more registered nurses needed in order to ensure that there is an adequate level of health care available for the aging population. By training as a nurse, you will enjoy a lifelong career with plenty of opportunities.

    Development Opportunities

    Completing an online nursing degree in order to become a qualified, registered nurse is often the first step in a lucrative medical career for many. Becoming qualified as a nurse means that you will be able to take extra courses and modules in order to train in more advanced areas of nursing, for example becoming a nurse practitioner or a nurse anesthetist.  When it comes to branching out and widening your professional knowledge, experience and skills, nursing is one of the best career options to go for.

    No Two Days the Same

    If you are someone who is looking for an exciting and fast-paced career which throws the unexpected at you continuously, nursing is the perfect choice. As a nurse, you’ll be dealing with a whole range of situations, from working with patients in the emergency room to visiting patients at their homes. Nursing is a career that requires professionals to be versatile and able to learn continuously in order to be able to easily deal with a variety of different situations all the time.

    Make a Difference

    It may seem like a cheesy reason, but nursing really is the ideal choice of career option for anyone who hopes to be able to make a difference in the lives of others throughout their career. If you’re hoping for a career which will bring you happiness by allowing you to help others through tough times in life, becoming a registered nurse could be the best decision that you ever make. For many patients, it is the caring nurses who help them to get through times of poor health and worry.

    Nursing may be a demanding and tiring profession, but the benefits certainly make it worth it. If you’re looking for a career option which allows you to help others whilst progressing and enjoying great job security at the same time, nursing is the perfect choice.

  • 21 Sep 2016 9:11 AM | NAMEC Staff (Administrator)

    Small private education company (ACCME accredited) for sale.  Their portfolio includes a well established library of online courses and video lectures, live conferences, and joint sponsorship business.  Please direct inquiries to Bill Whitaker at

  • 19 Sep 2016 11:26 AM | NAMEC Staff (Administrator)

    You still have time to register for the Sept. 23 course "Getting Started with Joint Accreditation Workshop".  You can access information about this event here: Joint Accreditation Workshop

  • 18 Aug 2016 11:53 AM | NAMEC Staff (Administrator)

    See below or

    Open RFPs/RFEs

    RFP/RFE Code

    RFP/RFE Issue date

    Area of Interest

    Type of Request

    RFP/RFE Title

    Due Date




    Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM)

    Independent Medical Education

    Request for Proposal

    August 29, 2016 at 5pm EDT




    Multiforme (GBM)

    Independent Medical Education

    Request for Proposal

    August 29, 2016 at 5pm EDT



    Immuno-Oncology and the Management of Renal Cell Carcinoma and Bladder Cancer

    Independent Medical Education

    Request for Education (RFE-16-ONC-306): Oncology


    If you have any questions regarding an open RFP/RFE, please email

  • 18 Aug 2016 9:36 AM | NAMEC Staff (Administrator)

    The ACCME has released a 2015 annual report that includes data on the number of providers, size, activity types, income provider types, commercial support, and more.  You can access the report here.  

  • 17 Aug 2016 8:16 AM | NAMEC Staff (Administrator)

    UCB, Inc Medical Educational Grants
    Medical Affairs
    Request for Proposal (RFP)
    Advancing the Treatment of Focal Seizures in the Intensive Care Setting

    The Proposal Deadline is October 7, 2016.

    Click here to access full proposal

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Birmingham, AL 35216
(205) 824-7612
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