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NAMEC and CME Industry Related News.

  • 03 Nov 2016 12:52 PM | NAMEC Staff (Administrator)

    Continuing Medical Education organizations can now explore participation in the ABMS Multi-Specialty Portfolio Program™ as part of a new, one-year pilot. The pilot allows these organizations to offer their physicians one-year access to Portfolio Program benefits without committing to becoming full participating sponsors.

    Click here for additional information

  • 11 Oct 2016 7:59 AM | NAMEC Staff (Administrator)

    October 11, 2016

    Dear NAMEC Colleagues:

    The NAMEC Awards Committee will begin accepting nominations for the 11th Annual NAMEC Best Practice Awards on Monday, October 17th. NAMEC encourages all member organizations to submit a nomination in each of the competitive categories. Criteria and nomination processes are included in this email.

    This year NAMEC will recognize outstanding achievement in the following categories:

    • Best Practice in Educational Design
    • Best Practice in Collaboration Among CME Stakeholders
    • Best Practice in Learner Outcomes
    • Best Practice in Quality Improvement CME
    • Best Practice in Professional Development
    • Brian P. Russell Exemplary CME Professional Award

    CME is an industry rooted in change, a profession that calls upon our abilities to recognize and address new challenges. It requires us to utilize our intellect, our diligence, and our creativity. We believe that each of these elements should be acknowledged.

    All nominations should be received no later than Monday, November 21, 2016. Please send your recommendations to NAMEC at

    Recipients will have the opportunity to discuss their activities during the NAMEC Annual Meeting, to be held during the ACEHP Conference in ACEHP Conference in San Francisco, California January 26 – 29, 2017.

    If you have questions about the awards please, contact Chris Bolwell at  or Kurt Boyce at

    Thank you for your continued support of NAMEC.

    Best Regards,

    NAMEC Awards Committee 

    Awards Cover Sheet (for submission) 

    Awards Process document (detailing key information relative to the awards)

  • 21 Sep 2016 9:39 AM | NAMEC Staff (Administrator)

    The Top Reasons to Pursue a Nursing Career

    Nursing is a very noble and respected career option which gives you the opportunity to care for others, be there for people when they need it the most, and even save lives. A nursing career is one which is highly rewarding and gratifying, and many who choose to go down this career path get a lot of joy and satisfaction from the work that they do. If you are a naturally caring person who is considering studying for a degree in order to work in the medical industry, we’ve listed some of the main reasons why nursing is a wonderful choice to make.

    Great Job Security

    Studying for a nursing qualification, such as this online nursing program available from a respected nursing school, gives you the opportunity to enter a career path which provides a huge amount of job security. Currently, the demand for nurses in the U.S is growing at a rapid rate, with more and more registered nurses needed in order to ensure that there is an adequate level of health care available for the aging population. By training as a nurse, you will enjoy a lifelong career with plenty of opportunities.

    Development Opportunities

    Completing an online nursing degree in order to become a qualified, registered nurse is often the first step in a lucrative medical career for many. Becoming qualified as a nurse means that you will be able to take extra courses and modules in order to train in more advanced areas of nursing, for example becoming a nurse practitioner or a nurse anesthetist.  When it comes to branching out and widening your professional knowledge, experience and skills, nursing is one of the best career options to go for.

    No Two Days the Same

    If you are someone who is looking for an exciting and fast-paced career which throws the unexpected at you continuously, nursing is the perfect choice. As a nurse, you’ll be dealing with a whole range of situations, from working with patients in the emergency room to visiting patients at their homes. Nursing is a career that requires professionals to be versatile and able to learn continuously in order to be able to easily deal with a variety of different situations all the time.

    Make a Difference

    It may seem like a cheesy reason, but nursing really is the ideal choice of career option for anyone who hopes to be able to make a difference in the lives of others throughout their career. If you’re hoping for a career which will bring you happiness by allowing you to help others through tough times in life, becoming a registered nurse could be the best decision that you ever make. For many patients, it is the caring nurses who help them to get through times of poor health and worry.

    Nursing may be a demanding and tiring profession, but the benefits certainly make it worth it. If you’re looking for a career option which allows you to help others whilst progressing and enjoying great job security at the same time, nursing is the perfect choice.

  • 21 Sep 2016 9:11 AM | NAMEC Staff (Administrator)

    Small private education company (ACCME accredited) for sale.  Their portfolio includes a well established library of online courses and video lectures, live conferences, and joint sponsorship business.  Please direct inquiries to Bill Whitaker at

  • 19 Sep 2016 11:26 AM | NAMEC Staff (Administrator)

    You still have time to register for the Sept. 23 course "Getting Started with Joint Accreditation Workshop".  You can access information about this event here: Joint Accreditation Workshop

  • 18 Aug 2016 11:53 AM | NAMEC Staff (Administrator)

    See below or

    Open RFPs/RFEs

    RFP/RFE Code

    RFP/RFE Issue date

    Area of Interest

    Type of Request

    RFP/RFE Title

    Due Date




    Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM)

    Independent Medical Education

    Request for Proposal

    August 29, 2016 at 5pm EDT




    Multiforme (GBM)

    Independent Medical Education

    Request for Proposal

    August 29, 2016 at 5pm EDT



    Immuno-Oncology and the Management of Renal Cell Carcinoma and Bladder Cancer

    Independent Medical Education

    Request for Education (RFE-16-ONC-306): Oncology


    If you have any questions regarding an open RFP/RFE, please email

  • 18 Aug 2016 9:36 AM | NAMEC Staff (Administrator)

    The ACCME has released a 2015 annual report that includes data on the number of providers, size, activity types, income provider types, commercial support, and more.  You can access the report here.  

  • 17 Aug 2016 8:16 AM | NAMEC Staff (Administrator)

    UCB, Inc Medical Educational Grants
    Medical Affairs
    Request for Proposal (RFP)
    Advancing the Treatment of Focal Seizures in the Intensive Care Setting

    The Proposal Deadline is October 7, 2016.

    Click here to access full proposal

  • 09 Jun 2016 2:21 PM | NAMEC Staff (Administrator)

    Below are NAMEC Board Member Matthew Horn's comments to the FDA’s DSaRM/AADPAC Joint Meeting.

    My name is Matthew Horn, I am a licensed physician, board certified in obstetrics and gynecology, with many years of experience in managing pain in clinical practice, including the prescribing of opioids. For the last ten years, I have been focused on developing continuing medical education, including many activities on improving pain management. I am currently employed as a Senior Medical Director at Rockpointe Corporation, a medical education company. We are currently working with several partners to implement an ER/LA opioid REMS educational series, supported by a grant from the RPC committee. This initiative involves a series of live educational sessions at regional pain management conferences throughout the United States. For the last 6 years, I have also served on the board of directors of the National Association of Medical Education Companies (NAMEC), where I’ve had discussions with others developing opioid REMS education. I mention this so that the committee understands that my opinions, while solely my own, have been shaped by input received from many colleagues involved in pain management and others in general clinical practice, key opinion leaders and faculty in pain management, attendees of pain management conferences, and other professionals involved in the development of education on pain management, as well as, from patients in pain.

    I would also like to mention that I have received no compensation to cover my time and travel to speak here today.

    First, I would like to thank the FDA for seeing CME as a valuable tool in the fight against the opioid crisis, while still remaining cognizant of the needs of pain patients, for therapies that help them overcome and live with their pain.  I would also like to state my general agreement with the FDA that pain management education is both necessary and effective in improving pain management and reducing the risks of abuse and addiction. Preliminary outcomes from our ongoing series revealed that 99% of participants rated the education as “most valuable” or “valuable” in terms of improving their practice and over 95% of participants stated that they were better able to meet each individual goal of the educational blueprint as a result of participation.

    Yet despite the success of such programs, there are several areas where the REMS program could be improved upon. For one, the program is considerably behind stated goals for the number of prescribing clinicians receiving this education. One reason for this is that there simply aren’t enough opportunities, with the RPC having difficulty keeping up with demand. My company, alone, applied for seven different grants over the course of 4 years before receiving a grant for our current series. Another provider we work with created an activity based on the blueprint that resulted in over 32,000 completions by physicians with schedule II and III DEA licenses and over 10,000 self-reported ER-LA opioid prescribers, but those completions will not be counted towards the FDA’s goals because the education was not funded/approved by the RPC. In fact, there are a great number of activities that are not being counted towards the FDA’s goals. Several federal, state, and local government agencies are promoting education on the safe prescribing of opioids, which causes confusion for the physicians, as many believe they have received ER-LA REMS education but yet are counted in separate programs.  A wider acceptance of education that covers the material should be considered, rather than only considering education funded through the RPC, as is the case in the current REMS program.  

    The program being voluntary for clinicians also plays a part in the low participation rates thus far. In our current activities we see a significant drop off between the number of physicians with DEA licenses and the number or physicians who report that they are ER-LA opioid prescribers. And this number of self-reporting prescribers is highly discrepant from the number of prescriptions currently being written. I believe that a better measure of the program should be prescribers with DEA licenses.  This change could easily be done within the current program. Clinicians are very familiar with continuing education credits being required for state licensure, hospital privileges, and, even, for obtaining in-network status with insurance providers.

    I recommend that the DEA-issued license, required for prescribing controlled substances, be linked to a certain number of hours per year or relicensing period. This would be seen more as a sensible approach to safe prescribing rather than a potential regulatory burden or punitive measure. This approach would also insure that all opioid prescribers receive continuing updates rather than a single certificate for completing a single activity by a subset of opioid prescribers, who take the education voluntarily.

    Requiring all elements of the blueprint on each activity results in far too much information to be learned at once, lessening the skills gained.  Our own activity takes over 3 hours to complete in person or online.  A completion of hours approach would allow a broader range of pain education to count towards the goals, while also allowing for more in depth coverage of individual topics, permitting learners to increase abilities according to their specific needs. This approach would also be better at overcoming the lack of adequate education that clinicians received when initially trained, especially those in primary care, where most pain is managed and most opioid prescriptions are written.

    A single REMS program covering all opioids should be strongly considered. The implementation of the current program that only applies to extended release and long acting opioids is likely leading to increased use of immediate acting opioids over long acting forms. This is not necessarily in the best interest of patients nor efforts to curb the risks of opioid abuse and addiction. A single REMS program that encompasses all opioids would prevent any other unintended consequences.

    Finally, I would be remiss if I did not address the fact that continuing education alone, is unlikely to be enough to fully impact our pain management and opioid abuse problems. Several system changes are needed, including more comprehensive pain and pain management education in medical, nursing, and pharmacy schools, increased government and private insurance coverage of other treatment modalities, including physical therapy, acupuncture, chiropractic, and other complimentary treatments, and a less stigmatic and punitive approach towards pain sufferers and prescribing clinicians than is currently seen in other government agencies’ approaches toward managing these issues.

    In summary, I would recommend that the panel consider a single REMS program for all forms of opioids, that continues to include continuing education on safe and effective pain management as a critical component, but that ties this ongoing education to DEA licensure, making it mandatory, as opposed to just being available to self-reported prescribers on a voluntary basis.

    This improved REMS program should also allow for a wider range of educational activities on pain management to count towards fulfilling the educational mandate, including those that cover individual elements of the blueprint, without the need to cover all of the blueprint at once, and not requiring that the education come solely through RPC funding/approval.

    The FDA committee should also lead the call for other government agencies to work together to implement some of the other solution oriented recommendations that I have made, such as promoting greater insurance coverage of other treatment modalities and a more collaborative approach towards pain sufferers and their prescribing clinicians.

    Thank you for your consideration.

    Matthew D. Horn, MD
    Senior Medical Director, Rockpointe Corporation/Potomac Center for Medical Education
    Director, Executive Board, National Association of Medical Education Companies (NAMEC)

  • 09 Jun 2016 2:14 PM | NAMEC Staff (Administrator)

    NAMEC is proud to offer our support for the CME Coalition's efforts on behalf of the CME Community and to share this information with our members on the congressional bill currently being discussed that would clarify the exemption of accredited CME from the Sunshine Reporting Act. 

    Found below is a letter of support from the CME Coalition to Senator Barasso, who introduced the bill to the Senate yesterday, and the draft of the bill. 

    Letter of support - CME Coalition

    Provider Payment Sunshine Act draft bill

    Additional information about the CME Coalition efforts regarding submitting comments to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Servcies (CMS) is available on their web site.

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