The Office of Continuing Medical Education and Lifelong Learning is inviting project proposals for grants to support innovations in Continuing Medical Education (CME).
Successful project proposals will receive up to $25,000.
Proposals can promote innovation in all aspects of physician learning or training, including content, process, outcomes or assessment.
Here’s what you need to know:
- The deadline for submission is Friday, Dec. 22.
- Awards will be announced and funds will be available by Feb. 15, 2019.
- Improved delivery or access to CME: For example, unique methods to increase collaborative learning (shared grand rounds with novel IT support), educational activities with affiliated or community physicians.
- Clinical relevance: For example, education targeted to improve quality care or to address patient safety concerns or public health priorities. Activities focused on helping physicians achieve recent medical licensing requirements; medical ethics, pain or symptom control, and human trafficking.
- Educational effectiveness: For example, projects which explore new methods to measure educational impact on patient care.
- Encouraging interprofessional learning and team training: For example, developing activities that encourage collaborative team training in medical simulation.
- Clinical skill enhancement: Projects that improve technical and/or procedural skills, including observed evaluation and formative feedback to the learner.
- Involvement of physicians in training in educational planning
- Name of the CME activity, faculty lead(s), proposed date(s), location(s) of the activity, target audience (list professional disciplines and specialties)
- Briefly describe the objectives, format, and contents of the proposed activity.
- Highlight aspects of the activity that address the additional scope priorities (outlined above)
- What makes your idea different? Describe the innovative and/or novel aspects of the CME activity with respect to existing or standard practice.
- It is important that the educational impact of your innovative approach is measurable.
- Describe the methods that will be used to measure the impact.
- State the amount of funding requested.
- Attach a detailed budget of all expenses related to the development and production of the activity, including any expected cost sharing.
Scope of the proposals
Project proposals should be designed to improve the delivery of relevant and effective Continuing Medical Education, enhancing the professional development of physicians and the interprofessional teams in which they work. A broad range of proposals are invited, but preference will be given to projects that target the following:
A maximum of two awards will be made to an individual faculty member within a grant cycle. Funding may be allocated to salaries and wages, fringe benefits, supplies and materials, and other relevant expenses.
Proposal guidelines/submission content
The proposal should include the following sections supported by a detailed budget and letter(s) of support (plus other relevant materials):
Please direct any administrative questions to project coordinator Chelle Robins at 734-936-1671.